Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final exam 5 pieces

Innocence Lost.
The idea and inspiration of this piece came from watching the news. ISIS and other terrorist groups are kidnapping a lot of infants and indoctrinating them. It is hard to believe that innocent  children can turn into to such monsters, and that every single person in terrorist groups was once an innocent child.The medium used is multimedia, acrylic paint, color pencils, and graphite pencils.
Pope Francis Influence. Pope Francis has been a very influential person in the twenty first century. A lot of Christians see him as the antichrist and tag him with other negative things, but the Catholic Church is endorsing evolution and Big Bang even saying that is a fact and the bible is not wrong but is just poetry with allegories. I myself am not Catholic but I see a very humble person, with lots of positive energy. Medium is color pencils and graphite pencils.
Heil Chaplin. This was probably the most controversial piece, I got lots of postie comments and lots of negative comments with no in between. The idea came from noticing that Hitler and Chaplin had a very similar mustache, then I wanted to draw both faces sharing the same mustache. It is also very ironic that Hitler hated the Jews and that Chaplin was a jew, and they were both completely opposite characters. The medium is white paper and regular graphite 2B and 4B pencils.
This is a futuristic concept of a car. The car is breaking through layers of paint and the paint burst creating it's background. The medium is acrylic paint and the car was drawn with graphite pencils.
Evolutionary Pope. The last 3 popes acknowledge the fact of evolution and Big Bang, but Pope Francis it is endorsing it saying it is a fact and also saying that jesus never did none of the miracles described in the bible but he rather was just a common man, creating a lot of turmoil in the Christian society. In the painting we can appreciate the transitional  forms of past humans all the way till we get to a common ancestor with monkeys. Medium is acrylic paint and graphite pencils.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Innocent babies to terrorist drawing

This is the progress of this drawing, it symbolizes that everyone starts as an innocent baby, that is no racist, evil, terrorist, homophobic..., but rather we are created this way. Many things can influence it, religion is one example, the majority of suicide bombers commit terrible on the name of God. In most religions same sex relationships are prohibited and they promise that anyone is is born with same sex preference is going to burn for eternity in hell and that they ate not allowed in heaven this way creating homophobic people and oppressing gay people. Other reasons can be political reasons and socioeconomic but the point is that no one is born being evil or mean, they are created this way.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Shoe progress

My drawing

Lamborghini drawing

Shoe design

This was the shoe design and the theme that I picked is local. I added elements and characteristics of florida; the incredible sunsets, the buildings of the city of Miami, and I picked orange because it is a warm color and because Florida's main export are oranges.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

5 Pieces

In this piece I tried to create something abstract, chaplaiferentes colors to make lful and create a contrast between the different parts of the drawing, some shading to make it look metallic and with depth.
In this piece I noticed that Hitler's mustache and Chaplain's mustache were really similar and they were completely different characters from chaplin being a Jew with the goal of making people laugh and Hitler with the goal of killing all Jews. I tried to find ways to put both faces in one drawin. On the first sketches I drew a vertical line and started to draw half a face on the left and another face on the right but I quickly changed it to drawing one face from the mustache up and drawing another face backwards from the mustache down and that way I end up creating this piece that has been somewhat controversial

The eye started as a jumpstart but I decided to put more detail into the drawing. The eye has a reflection of a window, a hand and fingers that are taking the picture, it also shows emotion of sadness and grief because of the tear.
This piece is based on the 70's era. The materials used are just a white paper, pencil and eraser. She has some characteristics that suggest she is from the 70's, some of them are the striped shirt she is wearing, her hair style, her bow, and the type of her cup of te
This is a champagne bottle with a wine cork. The background is blurred and the setting is on a sketchy corner, materials used were a pencil and a white piece of paper. The theme is hangover, the champagne bottle have a wine cork referring that what happened is that the person didn't have cognition because how drunk the person could have been, maybe a party and it's after effect.